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Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing is a technology that has been increasing in popularity over the past few years. This technology refers to how certain machines are now able to understand what humans say, and can carry on a conversation with them as well. This is a type of artificial intelligence that can listen, understand, and formulate responses to anything a human might say to it. This type of artificial intelligence has been becoming more prevalent in the past few decades since scientists are now finding more ways to bridge the gap between humans and computers. Natural language processing relates to a number of topics we have learned in MIS 2502. One of these would include how we used programs to classify information in other workbooks. For example, when using R we would classify large amounts of information into an image that would make sense of the data. This program would turn thousands of lines of data into a visual image, such as a histogram, pie chart, or line chart so the reader can easily understand what the data is portraying. These types of programs would also assist in the way natural language processing works, since computers use a program that would encode the information given to them and somehow process that into a way for people to understand and carry on a conversation. One example of natural language processing system would be the Siri function on the iPhone. Siri allows users to have a conversation with their iPhones, and have the iPhone complete functions without even the touch of a button. Siri is able to understand what the user is saying and it generates a response to every sentence they could possibly say to it. Overall, the use of a natural language processing system has increased significantly over the past few decades, and my current MIS course has helped me understand the process it takes for a computer generate an output to say back to users.


“What Is Natural Language Processing?” What Is Natural Language Processing? | SAS,

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