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IT Projects

PWC Consulting Case Competition 2018

The PWC financial consulting case competition involved analyzing the financials of a convenience store and making a decision if they should implement automation and expand based on the company performance. At the end of the competition, our team reported their analysis to PWC consultants. Our submission for the challenge can be found here.

Temple Analytics Challenge 2018

The annual Temple Analytics Challenge offers the opportunity for students to use data to extract information and draw conclusions relating to a specific focus question. In the 2017 Temple Analytics challenge, I completed the Pfizer challenge: “How can you eliminate the harmful effects of smoking on society?” The goal of this particular challenge was to recommend technology that plays a proactive and supportive role in assisting patients to quit smoking. My submission for the challenge can be found here.

Deloitte Consulting Case Competition 2017

Deloitte Consulting sponsored a week-long management consulting case competition for students at the Fox School of Business School. Over the course of the week, teams were in charge of drafting and presenting recommendations to help improve the agriculture industry. At the end of the competition, teams presented recommendations to Deloitte consultants. Our submission for the challenge can be found here.

The Great Maze Game (Java Project)

After countless hours of meticulous work, our group successfully coded and put together a GUI for a game called “The Great Maze Game.” The coding was continuously reformatted to make it intuitive and easy to understand. Method structures were designed to minimize redundant code blocks and maximize efficiency. The size, color, and location of any of the in-game objects can be reset easily. In addition, the classes were created with effortless customizability in mind; adding more coins, lives, ghosts, or even mazes is as simple as tweaking a class variable. Our project can be found here.

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