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SHRM – IT Director

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Location: Temple University

Position Hold: IT Director

Tenure with Position: January 12, 2015 – Present

IT Director: I currently hold the position of IT Director for the Society of Human Resources Management within Temple University.

Position Goals and Duties:

  • Romer’s SMART Goals
  • Update and maintain TUSHRM website
  • Update announcements on a weekly basis
  • Assist with Twitter or Facebook or Instagram updates if VP of Communications if unable to perform duties.
  • Implement PayPal system
  • Help students understand the importance of highlighting their e-portfolios
  • Improve the Members Only page to make it more attractive to paying members.

Personal Reflection:

Thus far my experience as an IT Director for SHRM has been amazing. I have learned different ways of using WordPress and I have been able to update the website in ways that our members are able to navigate it without any issues. Looking forward to the next months.

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