Community Platform
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This Year
340 Points
955 Points
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Business Course Work

Spring 2022: In Progress

  • MIS 2101: Digital Systems 
  • LGLS 1101: Legal Environment of Business
  • ECON 1102: Microeconomics Principles
  • STAT 1102: Quantitative Methods for Business II

Fall 2021:

  • HRM 1101: Leadership and Organizational Management – Learned about successful leadership & management as well as organizational culture, structure & design.
  • ECON 1101: Macroeconomics Principles – Introduced to the core principles of macroeconomics such as GDP, GNP, monetary & fiscal policies, inflation, unemployment, and international trade.
  • STAT 1001: Quantitative Methods for Business I – Learned quantitative skills with applications in management, natural, and social sciences.

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