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MIS Projects

MIS 3504

Our group was assigned the “Forgotten Philadelphia” project. The project was developing an app for Temple Library for one of their most popular books. Through out the semester my team and I worked through JustInMind to develop an application that we would then have to present to Temple Library at the end of the semester. We came up with an app for your phone that worked as a GPS tour of Philadelphia to showcase certain areas of Philadelphia that have been changed over the years to show what they looked like in the past. The app brings you to the location, gives a few paragraphs about the structure that was there, and shows a before and after picture. The project was our first experience with JustInMind and having project deliverables due throughout the semester. The project was a great learning experience and our team was able to succeed in putting together a quality product by the end of the semester.

MIS 3535

In MIS 3535 the challenge was now becoming the project managers. We were in charge of the individuals in MIS 3504 who were developing their projects for the class. Being a project manager brought about a whole new set of challenges because we had a group of students looking to us for guidance. The deliverables that we had to accomplish were different from MIS 3504 but we also had our own set of deliverables that we had to do as well. We worked with our BAs for the entire semester until they had to present their projects to their peers. Our final project consisted of turning in a set of deliverables that we worked on throughout the semester that we thought were important pieces of documents for project managers. Working on this project taught us a lot about being in charge of individuals working on their own project and what goes on behind the scenes for project managers.

MIS 4596

For the MIS capstone our group had to come up with an original idea that we were to develop throughout the semester. The semester consisted of taking this idea and developing it through deliverables, in class exercises, and a mentor-ship program. Our idea was to take farm-to-table to the next level through an app that connects consumers to farmers. We developed our idea and our prototype during the semester and had to present our progress to our professor and classmates. Taking an original idea and developing it while incorporating all of the things we learned in our previous classes as far as deliverables and the prototype was a challenge. My team and I took the advice we received through the semester and put together a PowerPoint that we presented to a board of judges for our final grade. The capstone was a perfect way to wrap up the MIS curriculum as it was as close to a real industry experience that you could get.

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