Risk Management and Insurance Major at Temple University

Work Experience

The first job I had was at Granite Farms Estate in Media, Pa. While working there I was a waiter and also a dishwasher. Since it was a retirement home I only waited on the elderly from 4-630 and had to serve around 30 people within that time frame and reset the table for the next morning. Because there was a small amount of time to serve drinks, appetizers, entree’s, and dessert I learned how to work in a fast pace environment and proper time management skills along with organizational skills to make sure I clocked out on time each night. In the two years that I worked there I received two server of the month awards along with being runner up for server of the year. I established very strong relationships with some of the people who lived at the estate and learned so much from them.Granite_Farms_LOGO-e1375628593602
I also was a brand partner of Vemma, which involved me promoting and selling a healthy energy drink called Verve. This company works through social network marketing and has allowed thousands of college students across the country to make as much money as they can before they graduate. This concept allows so many young people to become self motivated through reward power and resonant leadership. In order to increase sales and revenue I held meetings in my dorm room to explain the process of how the company worked to new people who were potentially interested in becoming brand partners. Efficient and effective communication was essential in this process. In just a few months I personally enrolled two brand partners and made it to the bronze level. I decided to leave Vemma because I felt like it was taking away time from my schoolwork and the opportunity cost was not worth it to me so I decided to stop working for Vemma.


The last job I had was at Ryan’s Corner Deli in Aston, Pa. This deli was owned by my friends grandparents and was mostly runned by their family. While working there I developed transformational leadership skills and critical thinking skills by trying to get fellow employees to become self motivated and not wait for our manager to tell us to clean the work area. Through this I boosted employee moral, customer satisfaction, and even increased sales because the work area was always clean which allowed employees to help customers at a faster pace.


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