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Financial Accounting: This course taught me the foundation of finance. The primary scope of the class included understanding the accounting process, studying real-life cases of accounting fraud, and learning basic debits and credits.

Macro & Micro Economics: Each of these courses taught me the basics of a capitalistic system. Topics covered in this course included US financial regulations, supply/demand curves, understanding the operations of a national economy, and the creation of a presentation to detail an economics topic of our choice.

Statistical Business Analytics: This course has been incredible helpful in my understanding of data and its applications. Some of the topics that were covered include data analysis, hypothesis testing, and graphical methods application in business.

Digital Systems: In this class information systems and digital platforms are introduced. This class covered topics such as the deployment of various information systems in business, understanding basic coding, and building simple software applications.

Data Analytics: This course acts as an initial insight into the world of analytics. A variety of topics were covered in this class including usage of SQL & NoSQL databases, discovering insights from data using analytics software, and data cleansing.

Financial Management: This course is vital to a basic understanding of finance. The class covered financial analysis and planning, the corporate decision making process, and capital budgeting.

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