You're Safe On Every Ride You Take



  • Safety concern while driving.
  • There is an average of 36,000 deaths by fatal car accidents each year in the US.
  • Extra time could go a long way if the driver is injured.
  • Driver can experience difficulty calling EMS while being in this situation.
  • Family members are not notified immediately.

Our Service:

  • As soon as there is a drastic decrease in the speed of the vehicle, SafeRide will check the status of user before contacting EMS.
  • This application will decrease the initial calling time to EMS.
  • GPS location will allow police in pin-point the exact location of incident/accident.
  • SafeRide is a subscription based service  that can be purchased via a mobile application store.
  • SafeRide’s basic monitoring service comes with a monthly subscription fee of $2.00
  • Additional service (eg. notifying family members) will be $2.00