You're Safe On Every Ride You Take

Simerjot S Sidhu


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How to get this template

If you are viewing this site on the URL:, then you are looking at the results of our course template. To use this course template, do the following:

  1. Create a new course site by clicking here:
  2. Please use the following convention for the “site name” – the site name will be the URL of your course: MIScoursenumbersectionterm (e.g., mis2101003spring2013). Continue reading


There is an average of 36,000 deaths by fatal car accidents each year. Calling emergency services as soon the accident occurs is our main concern. This application will dial 911 as soon as there is a drastic speed change in the vehicle. This project will decrease the initial calling time to the police. GPS location will allow police in pin-point the exact location of incident. Application can be purchased via Play Store at the expense of $4.99 annually. Add-on feature subscription (notifications to family) can be purchased at $2.50.