You're Safe On Every Ride You Take

Frequently Asked Questions

Top Questions:


How does it compare to traditional on-board diagnostics?

We provide portability, flexibility and more importantly, we provide the service at relatively affordable price ($1.00). Now, you can use SafeRide not just in your own vehicle but also, as a passenger when you hire a cab or uber your ride.


What are the different services you offer?

In addition to the SafeRide’s basic monitoring service, a user can now subscribe to the Notification Service that will allow user to add up to three contacts, who the user wants to get notified as soon as the accident has occurred. 


Is SafeRide compatible with any navigation service?

SafeRide is compatible with Google maps, Apple maps and Waze.


Coming Soon..

General Questions:

What is SafeRide?

SafeRide is a mobile application based service that will constantly monitor your vehicle’s status based on drastic speed changes & location.

How does it work?

What do you mean by drastic change in speed?

How much are you going to charge me?

How does it compare to traditional on-board diagnostics?

SafeRide App Questions:

How does the Panic button work?

I press “HELP!” by mistake, can I cancel the call to EMS?

How will SafeRide determine my car speed?

In a scenario where I cannot reach my phone, how do I ask for help?

How will you know the exact location of the accident?

Subscription questions:

How many contacts can I add?

Who is going to contact them and how?

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?