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Data Analyst

I am submitting my work experience at Telus International as a Data Analyst, I have been working there for 8 months now, here are the basics of what I do:

  • Conduct extensive research and evaluation tasks in a web-based environment, ensuring the accuracy and relevance of information.
  • Demonstrate strong analytical skills by assessing the reliability and validity of information obtained from various sources
  • Effectively utilize web-based tools and resources to gather and synthesize data, enabling informed decision-making

I am enrolled in the Data Analyst Section at Telus International, when i first joined I was only in the MAPS section but now that Ive been working here for a bit, I have been able to branch out into other sections like rating search queries, POI evaluations, and more. This relates to my MIS degree since being a data analyst is one of the most viable options in this degree of work and I might want to become a full-time data analyst after this.

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