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MIS 2101 – I learned how to analyze and create processes through diagrams like Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD), Swim lane Diagrams, and Conceptual Architecture Diagrams. As I continue to go through this course I hope to learn more about what goes on behind the scenes in a business and how as an MIS major I can help a business.

MIS 2402 – Learned how to develop interactive websites using Javascript, HTML, and CSS

MIS 2502 – Learned the importance of data analytics and a variety of tools to analyze data. These tools include MySQL, MongoDB, Tableau Prep, and rStudio.

MIS 3406 –  Learned how vital cloud computing is in our society today. Learned many different functions in Amazon Web Services like how to run instances, set up security groups, operate a load balancer and do it all on elastic beanstalk.

MIS 3506 – Learned just how much goes into user experience. How important user feedback, and multiple iterations are in the process of creating a product. How the subtle changes to a website design can improve a user’s experience greatly.

ERM 210 – Participated in Canstruction University at Penn State Brandywine, created an innovative design structure using cans of food, all donated to a local hunger relief organization. Our group ended up winning the peoples choice award for having the most votes with over 200.

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