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ISACA Webinar: Security Secrets

This webinar focused on how security teams can find success. The main topics in this webinar were success in cyber security, real life examples of success, the “success formula”, and future security operations roles. One of the real life examples I learned about was when BMW was attacked by OceanLotus and because the security team was successful, there was no impact from the breech, and it was quickly in and out of the news. I also learned that the “success formula” includes 6 examples of what makes a security professional stand out. One of them is learning a new skill in risk management, coding, threat intelligence, or incident response. Another example is that you establish a new capability for the organization you are working for. For example, you can establish a management process or create a way of security monitoring. I found this webinar to be extremely helpful because I was able to learn about cyber security which is something I am very interested in, and I was able to listen to a speaker who thrives in that profession. This can help me reach my future career development goals because I learned many ways to help grow in this industry and got advice on how to make yourself more presentable and stand out to companies. I also enjoyed how there was a question and answer portion at the end because I learned a lot from the questions that people were asking. There was even a brief discussion at the end on Artificial Intelligence and how AI can help risk management and threat detection, which is something I am also eager to learn about. This was an informative webinar that I can use now and in the future to achieve my career goals and help me to be successful.

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