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12 Principles of Organizational Change That Every Leader Must Follow

This webinar, presented by Sr Director Analyst at Gartner, explained new impacts to change management and 12 key principles of successful organizational change. Matt started off by talking about some of the recent disruptions and adaptations that must be recognized in this decade of change management, including: post covid attitudes, adaption to remote/hybrid workforces, adjusting to inflation, managing scarce talent, and dealing with supply chain issues. Ultimately, explaining that with so much change, statistically people will be far less likely to adopt change initiatives. However, following these 12 principles for effective organizational change, a change managers chance of success will be highly increased.

  1. Understand the Ecosystem
  2. Compelling Case for Change
  3. Fact Base
  4. Effective Change Leadership
  5. Readiness for Change
  6. Leverage Organizational Networks
  7. Evidence Based Interventions
  8. Promote Experience
  9. Use Enabling Practices to Support Implementation
  10. Manage Pace, Timeframes, and Phasing
  11. Assess Change Progress and Outcomes Overtime
  12. Institutionalization to Sustain Change Effectiveness

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