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Career Aspirations

Growing up I was exposed to the business culture through a youth organization provided by my church. During those 10 years, my interest for business grew greatly and I found the career path that would suit me the best. When I first started my college career I was a general Business Management major but I gained a deep interest in the MIS field during my sophomore year at Temple. Upon graduation in December 2016, I plan to find a position where I can contribute my knowledge from my degree and experiences from my internships to my employer. I hope to find a company that has similar values as I do. The values I look for in a company are:

Work-Life Balance- Having a balanced work-life is important for efficient and effective productivity in the workplace. My career will be a large portion of my daily life but there still needs to be time that can be spent with family. The main purpose of my career is to provide my family and I with a pleasant and secure lifestyle.

Work Variation I believe that it is important for an employee to have the ability to be involved in a variety of learning opportunities both in formal roles and in special projects. This provides the employee with proper career development skills that they can carry throughout different aspects of the work environment.

Diversity- A truly diverse team learns from their peers as they work towards a common goal. Each member contributes different outlooks based on their various cultural, social, and economic backgrounds. Diversity helps to limit the amount of ignorance towards other cultures while generating ideas to market a company to a broader spectrum.

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