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Big Data

I choose Big Data as my topic for extra credit assignment in MIS2502.



Data is an important part of any organization which is represented by information. Big data refers to a set of large data that is signified by structured and unstructured data. Structured data is data contained in a database and unstructured data is stored in fields in a database (e-mail, videos, photos, and etc.) There are three main key components to big data: volume, velocity, and variety. The volume of data shows the amount of data, velocity shows the speed of data, and variety show that the data can come in different formats. Big data is important because it has a large scale of information, which gives an accurate analyses.


Big Data in Data Analytics

Some of the topics I learned in MIS2502 that relates to big data are: data mining, data warehouse, and pivot tables. Data mining is a technique used to explore data and it is four elements are: artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, statistics, and database systems. Data mining can use clustering, association rule and visualization to represent big data. A data warehouse is where big data is stored and it can be analyzed at any time by anyone in the organization. We also learned how we can analyze big data using pivot table in Excel. Pivot tables can be used to determine employee with the highest sales, the most selling product, and etc.


Big Data Applied

Big data is used in every organization for further improvement. Big data is used to find new cures and predict arising diseases in healthcare. Big data techniques are used to determine if a baby is going to be born premature or not. This is done by analyzing the breathing pattern, and heartbeat which gives the doctors the opportunity to save the babies. Doctors can also predict the symptoms, and prepare for a cure or medicine. Big data also informs us about a flu outbreak.


Work Cited

Big data. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2015, from


What Is Big Data? (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

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