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About Me



I have gained various leadership skills throughout my life. I was a member of the Boy Scouts of America and achieved the highest-earning rank of Eagle Scout. In order to attain that, I needed to organize and successfully complete a community service project. I fund-raised enough money to design, create, and install directional and informational signs at my local nature center, with the help of several of my peers. I lead the project and made sure everyone knew what they were supposed to do, as well as had the necessary tools and safety equipment to successfully complete their tasks. I explained the plans for constructing the signs and getting them into the ground and helped operate the power tools. The project was a success.  The signs still look great and the nature center director and staff were very appreciative to be the beneficiary of the project.



I have had several opportunities to work in groups which enabled me to gain skills. I’ve participated in team sports that required coordination to be successful. One team-building opportunity was in the summer of 2014. I  was part of a group of 14 that went on a two-week hiking trip through the back-country of New Mexico. We hiked a total of 126 miles, going up and down mountains with only the gear that we carried on our backs. We faced many challenges along the way, such as hot weather and disagreements. It was important that we made decisions as a team so we could ultimately get to our destination safely each night. We experienced the stages of “Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development”, which are forming, storming, norming and performing. Forming was the stage when we first arrived and had to set our expectations. Storming was the stage when we were angry with each other and our opinions clashed. Norming was the stage when we finally started to negotiate, collaborate, and cooperate with each other to meet our goals.  The final stage was performing, when we all knew exactly what to do and executed the plans smoothly. Overall, it was a great experience and I gained teamwork skills.


I was born and raised in a town outside of Philadelphia, where I still live with my parents and sister. When I was growing up, I played sports such as basketball, hockey, and soccer to keep myself active. I also was on the track and field team, as well as the ski club during my high school years.

During the first few years of my life, my Dad introduced me to his computer, which was running Windows 98 at the time. I’ve had an interest in computers and technology ever since. Over the years I continued to learn more about technology such as building hardware, familiarizing myself with a variety of software, performing mobile repairs, and keeping up to date with the latest products. I am a hands-on kind of person, and I like to figure things out and solve problems.


My first goal is to work in the Information Technology field and continuously learn new skills, as well as develop my existing skills.  Since Information Technology is always changing, it’s important to stay ahead of the learning curve.  I’ll keep abreast of changing technology by reading blogs and being involved with different forums and communities. I will also subscribe to the frameworks and technologies I use, so I can receive an alert whenever there is a new version or changes to an existing version.  Another goal is to advance in my career once I join a company. I plan to do this by doing exceptionally good work and going above and beyond what is required to complete a task. In addition, I plan to build strong relationships and expand my network by assisting others to achieve their goals whenever possible.

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