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Women in Data Science Philadelphia 2021

1. Women in Data Science (WIDs) Virtual Event – 3/8/2021

Women in Data Science Philadelphia 2021 via Microsoft Teams – 9:30am – 4pm

Women in Data Science Worldwide Conference via Vimeo – 11am-1pm

I was introduced to the latest data science research from top companies including Facebook, Cigna and startups focused on AI like DefinedCrowd. I have a better understanding of the difference between data analytics and data science. For example, a data analyst will examine data to identify trends for making decisions, while a data scientist will create a process for data modelling and production.  I gained basic knowledge of how to translate data findings to an end user and how data will contribute to the advancement of AI. Something very important emphasized during the events was that it’s never too late to follow your passion and dive into data science or analytics.

I was truly inspired by this event. I have been struggling to fully transition from HR, and  I finally feel confident in knowing how I can succeed in MIS and as an analyst in the future. I changed my minor to Statistics and Data Science to better fit my goal, and I am looking forward to learning these new skills.

This was an amazing event presented by amazing women making breakthroughs in data science around the globe.

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