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IT Student Worker

As a Project Manager at the College of Engineering, my primary role is to manage projects that are assigned to me by The Senior Director of Technology and Operations. These projects can either last weeks or even months depending on the size and workload of the project of the project. For these projects, I am required to document the process of the projects, solve any underlying problems related to the project, work in a team, complete any projects in a timely manner, and provide any updates to the senior director. A project that I have completed within my time as a project manager is implementing a technology-based asset management solution to track assets and inventory through a software known as Webcheckout. Through this experience, I have learned that technology use is very important for a functioning business. For example, coding was a very important part of the software and was easy to complete as we had already learned the basics of coding in MIS2402. Learning about different software is also part of the MIS courses and implementing and working with a software such as Webcheckout was quite exciting. Webcheckout is meant to be used by everyone within the IT department and soon by the rest of the College of Engineering and it is very important to make sure users get the best experience. I followed some of the guidelines we learned in MIS 3506 to allow for the best user experience.

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