Marketing Major | French and Spanish Minor

Ability for Languages




Contrary to belief, my first language is actually Spanish because I am of Spaniard-Cuban descent.  Spanish was the first language I learned from a young age and I did not fully acquire the English language until I was four years old.  Fortunately, I have been able to remain completely fluent in the language because I speak it everyday and decided to minor in it to enhance my writing abilities.






I also have a minor in French.  I began studying it in high school and continued my education in college.  I have studied the French language for about 7 years and I possess an advanced writing ability while working toward becoming more fluent in conversation.  The french culture attracted my attention at a very young age and I hope to visit the country someday in the near future.







While I do not have a minor in Italian, my knowledge of Spanish and French has allowed me to understand the language fairly well.  I studied Italian for one semester at Temple University and acquired an A in the class.  I have been able to communicate with people that speak the language at a basic conversational level.