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Opportunity Knocks: Acing Your Interview: Virtual and In-person Best Practices

This event introduced the best strategies for acing an in-person and virtual interview by allowing the participants to interact with employers currently hiring for internships and entry-level positions. This event occurred from 04:30 p.m. until 06:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 16th, 2023, through Zoom and was sponsored by the Main Line Chamber of Commerce. Before the event, Lissa Hilsee, Talent and Education Network Consultant at The Main Line Chamber of Commerce, asked the participants to introduce themselves and send resumes so as to not miss out on the opportunity to connect with partner companies of the Mian Line Chamber of Commerce.

Personally, the main takeaways from this event were to prepare and do the necessary research on the company and position you are interviewing for. Another crucial strategy is to stay connected with the recruiters through e-mail or LinkedIn. The recruiters from partner companies advised the participants to be authentic, use the STAR method when answering, and always ask questions to the recruiters. Also, being on time or early, dressing appropriately, and not engaging in unpleasant habits (such as chewing gum or mints throughout the interview) help make a good impression on the interviewer. They also stated that it is OK to be nervous because the interviewers are not looking for perfection. However, the recruiters advised the participants to avoid negativity and not to get discouraged if not offered the position.

After the first session, which lasted until 05:00 p.m., the recruiters had the chance to introduce themselves, provide their contact information, and speak about the opportunities their companies are offering now. The companies participating in this event were the Independent Blue Cross, CSL, USLI, and Vanguard. Afterward, we went into different Zoom breakout rooms to introduce ourselves and have the opportunity of a more thorough Q&A session with the recruiters regarding the interview process. At the end, we discussed the main takeaways from this event.

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