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  1. Several things I have done:
    • Work with (an) assigned supervisor(s) on market study
    • Work with (an) assigned supervisor(s) on Financial Due Diligence (FDD) for clients
    • Work with (an) assigned supervisor(s) on deal teaser
  2. I have done on 5 projects (as the information is confidential, I only talk about that in general terms):
    • Project Y (FDD) – to help client sell their store. I worked with a few  helped with FDD and then populate graphs to show trends on the company’s performance.
    • Project F (Market Study)- to help clients understand Cambodian market on a specific industry. I helped collect data on various economical sectors, industry sectors, and specific companies and then populated graphs to show various in trends/indicators to for the ease to present to the clients.
    • Project D (Teaser) – to help the client sell his company. I helped with data collections on client’s competitors sections and then populated graphs for presentation to show some key trends on competitors Vs client’s performances.
    • Project W (Teaser) – to help raise funds for the clients. This is a new project in Cambodia, and I had to collect data from various international sources to populate some graphs to be used as indicators that the sectors are with great potential in Cambodia.
    • Project C (Teaser) -to help raise funds for a client. The client wanted to expand his company operation. I collected data related to the industry and looked into the company’s financial performance to populate graphs to show that the company has done well in the industry and the industry itself have some great potential to grow.
  3. I have learned so many things but here the three most important ones:
    • Being professional and consistent: not only do I need to have the job done, but everything must be consistent and aligned with KPMG’s format. The graphs and data visualization have to be clear and presentable. This has then linked to my “MIS2101 and MIS2502” when we learned about data visualization and what makes a great graphs/data visualization.
    • Looking beyond the raw data and tried to understand the pattern: again, this can be linked to MIS2502 where we discussed on looking into raw data and then try to understand its patterns to draw some useful conclusion. I have applied this to understand the Economic trends, financial performance trends, and such to help come up with great pattern and predictions.
    • Iteration Process in practice: each project has to be presented to the clients for feedback and then work with the clients for improvement. This then linked to MIS3506 and MIS3535 when we discuss about project iteration, scrum, and sprint.

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