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AIESEC is an student run, non-profit organization that is present in 124 countries, 2,400 universities, and has 86,000 members (and constantly growing!). We are a network of businesses and students supplying short-term talent from a global pool of passionate and experienced youth. We have over 8,000 partners, a few of which include Microsoft, ING, and MorganStanley.

I am currently involved in business development with AIESEC; a team and I are working to reestablish a chapter in Philadelphia. We are reaching out to businesses who might interested in international talent and developing connections to spread the word about AIESEC.

I would love to discuss AIESEC more; please e-mail me for any questions!

Phi Sigma Pi, Honors fraternity

I am an currently an initiate of a co-ed, national fraternity. We are built on the foundations of scholarship, leadership, and fellowship. Throughout my process of initiation, I have been getting to know the 60+ brothers and 20+ other initiates, running for scholarship chair, and learning everything there is to know about the brotherhood.

Net Impact

I am a member of the Temple University chapter of Net Impact; our main purpose to empower socially responsible businesses and cultivating socially and environmental sustainability. Some events we do are neighborhood trash cleanups, urban gardening, and we are currently planning a Fair Foods Fair.

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