Sophomore Risk Management & Insurance major.

Athletic Advising: Tutor

One of my jobs here on Temple’s campus is being a tutor for our very own Division 1 athletes. Shortly after the start of each semester, I am partnered up with a number of athletes to have weekly, or semiweekly, hour long sessions to work on one or two specific classes together. I generally tutor in any 1000 or 2000 level business classes.

Tutoring athletes is really an incredible job that I have gained a lot from. Being able to help facilitate the education of anyone is undoubtedly a very rewarding experience, and the fact that these are the students who represent our school in the national spotlight is definitely an added perk. I’ve found that I have become extremely vested in helping these students do well in class, and gain as much as they can from the education they’re receiving. There really hasn’t been a day since I started the job that I felt like I was going into work. That being said, I’ve also gained a lot of really terrific experiences and skills that have helped my personal development. For example, learning how to work with different people and teach those who learn in different ways is definitely a valuable skill that I’ve developed in this job. I’m really thankful for receiving this opportunity on campus.

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