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Speaking Confidently and Effectively

On 12/14/2022, I took “Speaking Confidently and Effectively” course on LinkedIn Learning.  By listening to Diane DiResta sharing the ways of presenting yourself and communicate well which is crucial in any work environment. Adapted from the podcast “How to Be Awesome at Your Job”, I learned how to build on my presentation skills to gain a competitive advantage in my career. I learned tips and tricks for leveling up my presentations and ways of boosting my executive presence, and learned how to craft my presentations around what’s important to the audience to ensure that I am only sharing the most impactful information. From discovering how to shift my focus away from myself to conquer my fear of speaking to acquiring strategies for ensuring that my body, tone, and words are giving off one consistent message; planning for my worst-case scenario and establishing recovery strategies; handling tough questions.

Under the professional skill of productivity improvement, I learned that:

  • Give your audience only what they need to know
  • Identify a need or challenge
  • Change your focus to calm your nerves
  • Align your body, tone, and words
  • Project power with body language
  • Speak in sync with your audience
  • Plan for your biggest fears

In the end, I also connected the lesson above with my future career and academic plans. Continuously striving to become a better presenter!

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