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Opportunity Knocks: Wisdom from Recent Grads

On 2/9/2023, through the 90-minute live webinar: Opportunity Knocks: Wisdom from Recent Grads on Jobs & Internships.  The sharing session was held by the Main Line Chamber Talent and Education Network Employer-Led. I learned about all the related insights on tips and tools for success in finding the best job or internship and creating a career that fits my goals and talents. which further connects to the MIS courses that I am currently taking.


– Think of creative ways to connect with the company

– Keep a record of the jobs you apply for or are interested in on a spreadsheet 

– Always be open-minded, since where you start might not be where you’ll be in 5 or 10 years

– Don’t b too attached to just one job application

– Send meaningful follow-up mail to the employer,  in order to let them know that you CARE!

– Make personal connections & impressions to differentiate urself among the candidates!

 – Remember to be kind to yourself throughout the entire application process!

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