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Academic History

As an Actuarial Science major in the Fox School of Business at Temple University, some important classes that I have completed or am currently taking are as follows:

  • Modeling I
  • Theory Of Interest
  • Intermediate Statistics
  • Corporate Finance
  • Introduction To Risk Management
  • Honors Financial Accounting
  • Honors Macroeconomics & Microeconomics
  • Calculus III

These challenging classes have greatly prepared me to succeed in the actuarial field, educating me in the dynamics of the business and insurance industries.  They have also provided a plethora of opportunities to enhance my professional and leadership skills necessary to excel in the corporate world.

During my time in the Fox School of Business, I have also received the following awards and recognitions:

  • 2013 Traveler’s Actuarial Case Competition Member
  • Gamma Iota Sigma – Sigma Chapter Member
  • Business Honors Student Association Member
  • Temple University Academic Scholarship
  • Dean’s List – Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Spring 2013

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