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Owl Hacks 2020

After attending the Owl Hacks 2020 virtual hackathon, I was left with much more useful information for my field of study. Not only were there breakout rooms with Vanguard and Lincoln Financial, but there was also a game of capture the flag hosted by RSM. This hackathon also showcases game development webinars and ethical hacking events. I learned how to compromise a network in the series labeled, \”The Hacking Bee\” presented by Thatyana Morales & Sydney Mintz. They did an excellent job showcasing all the different scenarios of ethical hacking using Kali Linux tools. These network penetration tools deal directly with my interests in Cybersecurity. The two presenters currently work for Proviti so the event was also a great networking opportunity to meet professionals in the field. There were also Netflix parties and games to play such as Among Us throughout the night. This hackathon was a great experience for being all virtual for the Fall of 2020. This activity related directly to my career goals because it dealt with my strong interests in cybersecurity and network vulnerabilities. I was glad that I could attend these breakout rooms and learn more details about this field. A big thank you goes out to Mary Liu for all the hard work that went into the design of this event.

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