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George Llado(Alexion CIO) – The Future of Work

George Llado is the CIO of Alexion and talked about comfort from home today. Alexion is a rare disease company that doesn’t advertise much. Llado says the company can often be described as “finding a needle in a haystack.” What Llado means is that the company often has people migrating to them since the diseases they work with are very rare. In terms of working from home, Llado notes that one should feel comfortable. Whether you are wearing a suit, camera on, or in your pajamas with the camera off, it’s all about being productive. He also discusses some security software that the company runs in which shows analytics about visited sites. The most popular site for his company is Netflix, and Youtube shortly follows. Llado is fine with employees on these sites as long as they are being productive for the company. Llado did a great job in scoping out the future of work for us. This relates to my career goals because Llado talks about how many businesses will venture online and have thousands of employees online, from anywhere in the world. It shows that it is important to have a great work set-up in order to create your professional image online.

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