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Thinkful Webinar: Tableau Basics

  1. Thinkful Webinar
  2. Webinar, Wed, Feb 15, 2023 @ 9:00 PM
  3. This event just dove into an overview of Tableau. It was described as a top platform for data analysis and business intelligence using data visualization tools. It lets you analyze large amounts of data and present it in various formats for better decision-making. Users will be able to create dashboards, info sheets, and more through Tableau. Analyzing data visually helps to provide a solution to a problem charted visually through Tableau.
  4. Tableau has been mentioned a lot throughout AIS speaker events, so I was curious on what exactly is the benefit of such a platform. It is very relevant to the Data Analytics course I am currently taking, and the SQL language it utilizes is compatible with Tableau.

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