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Activities and Service

ESA logoEntrepreneurial Student Association

I became a member of the Entrepreneurial Student Association (ESA) in the fall semester of 2013.  Entrepreneurial Student Association is a relatively small group of students that originate not just from the Fox Business School, but from any of the 17 colleges at Temple.  These students are aspiring to be entrepreneurs, learning to be innovative thinkers and are exploring their creativity.  This student professional organization is unlike any other because it fosters idea creation, collaboration and ultimately the implementation of business ideas into reality.

In September of 2013, I took on my first leadership role as an officer on the events committee.  I have planned a successful panel discussion about business implementation featuring Red Shift Sports, an innovative bicycle parts manufacturing company and Molly Hayward, a social entrepreneur.  For the past two months, my committee and I have been planning our main event to have give rising student businesses and local businesses the audience they deserve; the event is called Tower Takeover.  We have sought out and booked 25 student and local businesses, student artists and musicians to showcase their creativity for approximately 15,000 Temple students at the Bell Tower in the heart of Temple University.  The event takes place on April 24th 2014 from 11am to 3pm.

Community Service

In the fall of 2013, I became involved with Neighborhood Foods.  Neighborhood Foods was a branch of the non-profit Urban Tree Connection and it served to provide low income residents with healthy, fresh produce at low prices through the sale of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) food shares and produce at farmers markets.  I volunteered every Friday for the remainder of the CSA season at one of Urban Tree Connection’s urban farms in West Philadelphia.  I packaged CSA shares, operated as quality control when picking vegetables and helped harvest lettuce and arugula from the field.  All of the food that I helped package went directly to low income residents or helped finance the purchasing of the produce for low income residents.  I was a small, but not insignificant part of the elimination of food deserts in Philadelphia.

In the February of 2014, I joined the first collegiate chapter of GrassRoot Soccer, an internationally recognized HIV/AIDS awareness organization.  The mission of GrassRoot Soccer is to provide youths with HIV prevention and life skills education through their passion for soccer.  Soccer is an integral part of local cultures across the globe and the power of soccer is immense.  GrassRoot Soccer educates to achieve a world without HIV.  The mission of Temple University’s GrassRoot Soccer is to spread HIV awareness to the student body and to the surrounding local communities through presentations and charity soccer tournaments.  We are hosting our first awareness event on Friday April 18th, 2014.


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