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Interests and Activities

As a busy college student, it’s not often I get free time. I am usually in class or doing homework assignments and studying. Typically, if I’m not doing those things, I am working hard and serving customers at Texas Roadhouse. However, when I do get some spare time, I like spending time with family and friends, reading, listening to music. Also, I am a member of the Temple Economics Society.

As I’m sure with most people, my family and friends mean the world to me and most of my free time is devoted to experiencing things and spending time with them. Whether we are down the shore in the summer, up the mountains over Thanksgiving, out to dinner or simply at one of our houses just hanging out, my family, friends and I always manage to have fun together.

I haven’t always been the biggest reader, but over the past couple of years have started to really enjoy it. I have read and love the big series like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games but I really enjoy books that I can learn a little bit from. This includes nonfiction but especially historical fiction. I like books like A Thousand Splendid Suns, Z and The Help. All of these are fiction novels that are set during a point in history with real historical events taking place in them. I enjoy them because I get the good story and drama of a novel but I learn something about history and the way people felt during these times.

I love listening to music. I cannot really play it (except for a few chords on the guitar) but my brothers and many of my cousins can. They play guitar, drums, piano, bass and some sing. While I like most types of music, needless to say my favorite is rock, especially classic rock. While some come close, most modern bands cannot compare to the greats like Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones. Despite the fact that I will probably never be able to see any of them in concert (another activity I enjoy), these three bands will always be favorites.

I have spent a lot of time working in restaurants over the years. I started as a hostess at JB Dawson’s Restaurant and Bar when I was 17 and am now a server at Texas Roadhouse. Thus, the restaurant business has become a big part of my life. I have met a lot of great people and have certainly learned a lot. While, like most jobs, it has its bad days, for the most part I love serving. I enjoy working with people and being in the fast paced environment. And often, those “bad days” make for the best stories.

The Temple Economics Society provides me with the great opportunity to meet professionals and fellow students and discuss one of my favorite subjects, Economics. We meet once a week and usually have  a speaker discuss who discusses his/her career and current events and often gives helpful advice and insight into the field of Economics. It’s a fun way to meet new people and continually learn about my major.

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