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Academic History

I attended West Chester East High School, in West Chester Pennsylvania.  Along with graduating with an above average GPA, I learned to balance many activities at once including: Schoolwork, athletics, and work.  I was three sport varsity athlete, and was members of both the National Honor Society and Italian National Honor Society.  I learned great leadership qualities through these endeavors especially being named captain of the baseball team which at the time was a state championship qualifying team for five straight years.  I graduated in June of 2010, and because of the skills I learned I was accepted to Temple University.


I began my enrollment at Temple University the next fall.  I began as a Chemistry student for my first year at temple, until my second year until I switch to Economics and Business.  The courses that I took made me realize what I wanted to do with my future, and I knew I wanted to study the economy.  I am involved with groups and organizations on campus such as: My job at the Student Center as the Building Managertu, S.W.A.G.G (Student Workers About Giving and Gathering), and the Student Affairs Marketing Committee.  Choosing Temple was the best decision I have ever made with its diverse campus, great professors, and a safe environment (Contrary to popular belief).  I plan to graduate with my degree in Business Economics in 2014.

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