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Information Technology Assistant: Fall 2019

Information Technology Assistant

Fall 2019

As an Information Technology Assistant (ITA) for the Fall 2019 Semester, I worked with two professors for MIS 2101: Information Systems in Organizations. For more information on MIS 2101, see the Coursework tab.

I provided instructional support by holding office hours. I also supplemented the instruction of Javascript programming by serving as a second in-class resource. It was a great experience to be able to work with students – it was rewarding to see them improve in their programming skills as the semester progressed, and I got to know many of them on a personal level and provide them insight into their future career options.

In addition to working with students, I learned to work with the professors. I was responsible for managing all In-Class-Activity (ICA) and Assignment evaluation for two sections of the course. I provided feedback on how to improve the course based on my experiences as both a student and an ITA.

I learned how to multi-task, how to teach, and how to run the “behind the scenes” process of a college course. It was incredibly fulfilling, and had I not graduated, I would have been more than happy to do it again. I will be able to use these skills from my ITA experience in the workplace because I will always need to manage multiple projects at once, and I would like to be in a position to teach new workers how to perform important business processes.

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