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WLSP: Product Management in AI

On Thursday 11/16/2023 I attended an online  workshop hosted by Woman in Localization and Smartling. During this meeting, the guest speaker was Jennifer Wong. She is Head of AI Product Strategy at Smartling. She talked about how a model she uses for product development is the double diamond and how it is used on the process to solve technical problems. In addition to this she also covered the steps of the diamond and the process that it follows. Another part detailed was the 5 pillars of product management. They are 1.Vision and planning. 2. Stakeholder agreement. 3. Discover the problem and solution. 4. Define and deliver. 5. Data analytics and feedback. To me this was the most interesting part of the presentation because I believe it could be helpful to me as I complete projects for classes and general life approach to solving tech related problems.

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