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Minor (Finance)

Courses Summer 2020

  • Finance 3507: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management –  This course was one of my favorite courses in Finance department. I learned about different investment types on focusing the asset types, financial instruments, security markets and mutual funds, which prepared me for when I enter any finance field.

Courses Spring 2019

  • Finance 3504: Intermediate Corporate Finance – Spring 2019 – During this course, I gained knowledge about comprehensive overview of corporate finance topics. I learned the three main areas of concern that is related to corporate finance; Capital budgeting, Capital structure and working capital. We used different formulas and techniques in our group projects to make the decision making easy for corporates. I believe that by learning these skills, it will open more opportunities in my career.

Courses Fall 2019

  • Finance 3101: Financial Management – Fall 2019 – This course is an introduction to Finance. I learned how to examine capital investments and decision-making processes for long-term financial planning by analyzing case studies and solving problems. This course helped me learn basic finance and get me ready for future finance classes.

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