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A Chat with Women in Tech & Cybersecurity

In Spring 2024, I attended the event \\\”A Chat with Women in Tech & Cybersecurity\\\” in Mazur Hall at Temple University. The event featured three guest speakers, Amanda Jackson, a Senior Technology Auditor at Comcast; Lourdes Cigarruista, a Cyber Security Engineer at Lincoln Investment; and Kasie Madden, a Technology Consultant Network Penetration Tester at Protiviti. The guest speakers spoke about their background and experiences prior to tech as some of the speakers did not originally study any type of technology as their major. This helped bring a lot of awareness to the audience that it is not too late to switch career paths and it shed light to the different resources that students can use to enhance their professional and technological skills. They also spoke about their experiences in the professional field after entering the tech space, such as the obstacles they faced as women and how they were able to move past those obstacles.

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