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Philadelphia Regional Startup World Cup Pitch Competition

In Fall 2024, I had the opportunity to be an attendee for the Philadelphia Regional Startup World Cup Pitch Competition, which was organized by Pegasus Tech Ventures and held in Mitten Hall at Temple University. The pitch competition featured nine start up companies that aims to leverage technology to transform aspects of different industries, ranging from pharmaceuticals to art. Each start up company spoke about their purpose and their motivation that kickstarted their journey, which I found to be extremely interesting as it allowed the audience to see the connection between their work and their personal passions. While all of the start up companies were extremely interesting, I was fairly intrigued by QuneUp. The company’s purpose was to decrease operational down time in large companies, specifically pharmaceuticals. They aim to minimize lost revenue and increase efficiency in solving equipment issues through their data driven software that is specific to every company and embedded within a QR code, which I found to be extremely interesting as all information regarding the equipment is stored in one area that is accessible to everyone within the company. Overall, I found this event to be very informative and inspirational for everyone who is interested in start ups, as well as those who are looking to see how technology can be leveraged in different aspects.

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