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Opportunity Knocks: Wisdom from Recent Grads on Jobs & Internships

First off thanks for all the recruiters, and panelist for sharing and giving insight on the job search process. There were many things that I was fortunate enough to learn from this event, the first thing is to always have an updated resume , you don’t necessary have to change the resume to resonate with each individual job, but can make some minor changes that will attract recruiters. I liked how some of the panelist mentioned that always keep an open mind when you are looking for an internship, or a full time job. Its good to go after big companies but you can always succeed else where. Any experience is good experience to we shouldn’t count our selves out if the requirement for a job is 3-4 years experience , we should still apply for these jobs even though it looks like we are not the right candidate, but getting a no from a recruiter is better than not applying at all. Lastly, the best advice I took away from this event was that as beginners we should learn more about what we want to do vs what we don’t want to do. It was nice engaging with the different companies and getting to connect with them on LinkedIn was a plus.

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