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Data Analytics Intern

  1. Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks) My role at Back To Basics Learning Dynamics was to aid in the implementation of a government contracts software called GovSpend. GovSpend is a dashboard that displays all of the government contracts that are available to be bid on my government affiliated agencies. It was my job to identify and analyze contracts that aligned with the goals of the translation and interpretations service pipeline for the company.
  2. Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished) I was tasked to work on the translation and interpretation pipeline service to aid in the company utilizing the shift to online schooling to expand nationally, and it was my role to use the GovSpend dashboard to not only find contracts relevent to our service, but to also insert the data into excel to then be analyzed with pivot tables. Due to COVID-19, I was only able to work for the company for approximately 4 weeks, however; in this short time I was able to successfully identify 10+ contracts that fit our service, and insert this data into excel to create a pivot table.
  3. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this experience in the context of specific courses) With this internship I was able to implement the skills I learned in the Data Analytics course in the MIS cirriculum. I took Data Analytics Spring of 2020, where we learned about various data types and the different softwares to use to analyze these data types. During the internship I became more familiar with data mining large databases (GovSpend) and efficiently locating appropriate data, as well as creating a clean data set that I could then manipulate using pivot table on excel.
  4. Once approved, the description is automatically displayed in a post on your e-portfolio.

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