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Future Aspirations

I did not learn to appreciate education until my first day in Fox City. It took a trial and error process to seek out those Owls that had your better interest at heart. It is not an easy process but it is indeed worth it. I was able to see the world beyond my own selfish wants but what is truly needed to make a world a better place. I have tutored low-income children, met a handful of diverse phenomenal students with similar goals to mine, and applied critical thinking to real world situations. But the most important factor, I found what truly makes me happy; by helping others!  Being hands on, has been the best experience to ensure me with future ambitions;  thank you to all of those who assisted me in getting this far.

The question that interviewers’ asked most often:  Where do you see yourself in 10 years?  I never understood that question but now I am clear on how to respond due to my learning in Fox City.  I see myself growing as an individual, continuing to give back through community service, educating the youth, and utilizing the skills and experience that Temple University Fox School of Business has infused in me.  I will be a beneficial leader to future companies and my own endeavors.  I plan to always put my faith in people that work hard and want to learn as people have always put their faith in me.  We will always work hard and teach each other that our goal is to be successful.


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