Community Platform
  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Analytics
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Data analytics
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This Year
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408 Points
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Relevant Coursework Completed

Accounting Information Systems – An introduction to the evaluation and design of accounting information systems and the documentation and analysis of a client’s hardware and software needs.

Intermediate Accounting I & II – Accounting principles as they relate to financial reporting

Data and Analytics – Navigate and query relational and NoSQL databases to support applications. Combine multiple sources of data using extract, transform, load for data cleansing.


Relevant Coursework to be Completed

Management Information Systems Major Courses  Accounting Major Courses
Web Application Development Federal Taxes on Income
Cloud Architecture Advanced Accounting
User Experience Design Auditing
Web Service Programming Accounting Senior Seminar
Lead Global Digital Projects
Managing Enterprise Cybersecurity


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