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Motorola Solutions Inc — Business Analyst Intern

      Motorola Solutions is a Telecommunications company that helps people to be their best at the moment that matters. It provide the situational awareness first responders need when a moment brings catastrophe. I worked at Motorola Solutions Inc as a full time Business Analyst intern for Summer 2017. During the internship, I did 3 projects.

Project 1: Create Quote to Order dashboard

For this project, I worked with another intern from Sales Department to build quote to orders dashboard. During this process, I learned what is an opportunity, quote and order. I also learned the entire Configure, Price and Quote (CPQ) process. Since I was in the Enterprise Data Hub team which gathers all the data from the organization. I was able to show our business partners what data is available in the database and identify data quality issues regarding the data we have.

Project 2: Internal Order# and End User Customer Name Mapping

In this project, I was looking into internal order data to find out who is the end customer regarding all the orders. Because the customer name for all the internal order numbers are Motorola Solutions. Our business partners are not able to see who is the end user which makes it hard for them to target customer initiatives. In order to solve the problem, I learned the whole order process both from Order Management perspective and field team perspective. Then with the knowledge in mind, I used one example traced the Order data back from Enterprise Data Hub database to the original database where the data was generated. Finally, I was able to use Tableau and SQL queries to find a column in the database that represents end user customer name for internal order.

Project 3: Internal Order Process Analysis

Since the end user customer name was found, the next project I looked into internal order process to find opportunities to improve data quality in order to improve operational efficiency. For this project, I learned the whole internal order process (from the field team who place order form then goes through Finance department for approval and finally goes through Order Management for order processing). During this process, I was able to identify the root cause of why Motorola Solutions were appeared as end user customer name. It is because the internal order form is an Excel form, and there is no requirement of what users can put in the Ultimate User Contact Name. One solution I recommended was to move the order form to Google Sheet and I was able to add code to “Ultimate User Contact” section to limit user input for the customer name. Or use an API to connect “Ultimate User Contact” section with database, so the user will have limited options for “Ultimate end user Contact” section.

Skills Learned:

  • Communications skills
  • Tableau, SQL, AWS Redshift, Angel
  • Excel
  • Business Process
  • Balance between IT & Business


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