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Community Service

My desire to help people drives me to play an important role in co-curricular activities. When I was a new international student at Temple, there was no one helping or supporting me to get used to the different things here. When I was a sophomore, I recognized that it was necessary to organize an assisting group to help new Chinese students. I asked the President of Chinese Students and Scholars Association for information that would help me. He gave me the email addresses of all Chinese freshmen. I sent them an invitation to ask whether they were interested in participating in a small breakout session about getting used to the new life in US. It was encouraging that more than twenty students responded to my proposal. Then I created a Google doc to collect their available times and what information they wanted to know. I settled on the location and time of the meeting. Finally, fifteen people attended the meeting. I shared my living and academic experience with them. Because of their request, I also organized a short campus trip after the meeting.

With this meeting known by an increasing number of people, more Chinese freshmen asked me whether I could organize a meeting again. I was really excited that they trusted me. I am considering another meeting where I will invite senior students to join. With such need, perhaps I will hold a meeting regularly. I am glad I can help connect more people here. To organize is not an easy thing. A good team leader should be easy to approach and be patient. I am trying my best to make my activities more interesting to attract more students. I believe this experience can be helpful when I need to organize an activity in real business world.



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