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Intern at Yunan Chengtouxingkun Real Estate Development Limited Company

Yunan ChengtouXingkun Real Estate Development Limited Company is a local real estate development company in Yunan province which established in 2007. Basically, there are three groups in the Information Department including managing information of suppliers and materials, managing information of customers and managing information of employees.

During my internship, my primary duty was updating customers’ information into the database and collecting employees’ daily attendance.  During the summer, I collected information from 200+ potential customers and updated 10+ clients’ information into the database server. For employees’ attendances, I collect them every day and I used MySQL retrieved data based on department name and export data as the spreadsheets, then send them to Human Resource Department every week. I also assist group members to organize potential customers data. For instance, when customers called in or step in asking for information about the real estate. We collected their personal information from sales department and organize it to find a common and to determine the potential level of the customers.


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