Community Platform
  • Agile
  • Analytics
  • App development
  • Application development
  • more...
This Year
220 Points
2170 Points
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Past Courses

Fall 2021
MIS 2402 | Web Application

Learned to use HTML to organize websites and used CSS to give website design. Strengthened knowledge in Javascript and learned to create single page architectures, use JQuery commands, and implement APIs.

MIS 2502 | Data and Analytics

Learned NoSQL, SQL, and R using the following applications respectively: MySQLWorkbench, MongoDB, R, and Rstudio.  

BA 2996 | Honors Business Communications
MKTG 2901 | Honors Marketing Management
Spring 2021
MIS 1901 | Honors Digital Systems

Learn the role of information systems and digital platforms in business and how digital products are conceived, designed, secured, and deployed.

ACCT 2101 | Financial Accounting

Learn accounting theory, transactional analysis, income determination, asset and liability valuation, and the preparation of financial statements.

Fall 2020
STAT 2903 | Honors Statistical Business Analytics

Applied and utilized data description, data analysis, and graphical methods to business scenarios.  Used Excel to analyze and present data. 




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