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Interests and Hobbies

Music is everywhere, and impacts pretty much everyone. I played a violin for six years starting in fifth grade. After half a year of playing a violin I got placed into the advance music lessons I also participated in all of the school musicals from elementary school to my senior year in high school. I no longer play the violin but I still enjoy listening to the classical or just the instrumental versions of songs.













It’s always been a thrill to travel to new and exotic places. I’ve traveled to many places with my friends and family such as Tokyo Spain, China, Canada, and the US. Most of the times we traveled traveled  to the west coast of the United States because of the nice weathers they have over there and it is also not that expensive. I especially enjoy traveling abroad with my friends because there’s always new places we haven’t explore yet. I wish to travel abroad more often in the future!



The best education you will ever get is traveling. Nothing teaches you more than exploring the world and accumulating experiences.
~Mark Patterson

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