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WordPress 5 Essential Training

Title of module: WordPress 5 Essential Training

Term: Spring 2022

Type of course: Technology Skill

Course overview: LinkedIn Learning course taught by Morten Rand Hendriksen on the basics of using WordPress 5

  • Installing WordPress
  • Creating posts and pages
  • Formatting text
  • Publishing and scheduling posts
  • Adding images, audio, and video
  • Bulk editing posts and pages
  • Working with reusable blocks

After going through the course, it enhance my understanding of how WordPress works and how to properly use it. It’s more than creating posts and pages but there are many different ways of presenting these aspects working with the different blocks and themes. There is also the ability to use the proper plugins to help make your site stand out and user friendly. Learning more about WordPress helped with the ease of creating our website for the project in User Experience Design (MIS 3506) course.


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