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Human Resources: Selecting an HR System

I completed a LinkedIn Learning course titled “Human Resources: Selecting an HR System,” focusing on human resources technology. The course guided learners through the process of selecting the right HR information system (HRIS) for their organizations. With advances in technology making HRIS solutions more accessible to companies of all sizes, the course underscored the importance of choosing a system that effectively manages the data of the workplace and the entire employee lifecycle, including hiring, payroll, benefits, and training. Instructor Don Phin provided insights on evaluating day-to-day and strategic company needs, identifying potential vendors, and navigating the process of soliciting bids through requests for information (RFIs) and requests for proposals (RFPs). This training is crucial for my career in Management Information Systems (MIS), enhancing my ability to select and implement the most appropriate HR technology solutions for organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

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