Community Platform
  • Data analytics
  • Data science
  • User Experience Design (UX)
  • Web analytics
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Relevant Coursework

Digital Systems – MIS 2101

Learn the role of information systems and digital platforms in business. Understand component-based software architectures and APIs. Build simple software applications.

Web Application and Design – MIS 2402

Create web-based applications that carry out a business process and integrate web-based services. Learn loops, arrays, conditional statements, data validation, responsive web design, and making API calls with JavaScript.

Data and Analytics – MIS 2502

Provides a foundation for designing database systems and analyzing business data to enhance firm competitiveness with hands on experience with tools such as SQL and R. Independently worked on weekly assignments to exercise skills learned during lectures. Collaborated with class mates to complete in class activities based on coursework, which strengthened team work skills. Used principles of data visualization to improve data representation and transform information.

User Experience Design – MIS 3506

Describe, scope, and build a complete user experience. Understand the role of usability and design principles. Build innovative and pleasurable user interfaces that achieve human, social, organizational, and business model goals. Gained hands on experience by working on a semester long project to create a smooth user experience, by designing a website that achieves the site’s affordances. Presented our final project to communicate problems and goals, highlight uses of Norman’s concepts, and give a live demonstration.

Statistical Business Analytics – STAT 2103

Learn simple and multiple regression models and forecasting. Excel is used for data analysis and to reinforce topics taught in class. Topics include random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, estimation of parameters, and hypothesis testing.


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